May 4-7, 2016
Location: Köö 7, Kirchengasse 41, 7th district of Vienna/Austria
Entry Fee: 60 euros

Dresscode according to the rules of IBSF/WPBSA

Calendar of Event
Tournament played in 16 groups of 5 in Köö 7
max. 80 entries

Group winners qualify automatically for the last 32. All second-placed and third-placed players of each group will play in an additional round to qualify for the remaining 16 places in the last 32.

Thursday, May 4, Friday, May 5,  starting at 10 a.m. || Saturday, May 6,  starting at 10 a.m.:

Group Stages  ||  best of 3
Additional Round  ||  best of 3
Last 32  ||  best of 5

Saturday, May 6, starting at 5 p.m.:

Last 16   ||   best of 5

Sunday, May 7:

noon:         Quarter-finals   ||  best of 5
2.30 p.m.:  Semi-finals       ||  best of 7
6 p.m.:       Final                ||  best of 9

Prize Money
 Winner                  2,500 €
 Runner-up             1,700 €
 3rd Places                850 €
 Quarter-Finalists       500 €
 9th Places                200 €
 Highest Break           500 €

Total Prize Money: 10,000 €

The admission to the whole event is free!



For registration write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Max. 80 entries. Registration is valid only with payment (60 euros).

Necessary data: name, address and telephone number
For payment please use this bank account:

Account Name:        15 Reds Köö Wien Snooker Club
Bank Name:           Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
Account #:           28356626502
Bank Number:         20111
BIC                  GIBAATWWXXX
IBAN                 AT972011128356626502

As reason for payment please give following details: “Entry Fee vso2017” and full name!

When transferring the money from outside the euro zone, the bank transfer fees are to be borne by you. Please mind the corresponding settings when using online banking.

Confirmation email will be sent after payment.
Registrations are ranked according to the date of the payments. If by bank closing on February 3, 2017 more than 55 payments will have arrived in our bank account, the decision will be made by drawing lots (we reserve the right to give away 25 wild cards); if not, registrations are ranked according to the date of payment as they have been up to now. Of course registrations are still possible after February 3.